Start Your Day With

Whether you’ve been woken up at an ungodly hour by a bouncing toddler, or an overexcited pooch, or you’ve managed to have a sneaky lie-in past eight am. Our coffee will make make you want to get out of bed in the morning as well as having the kick to pull you through the 3pm working from home lull. 

Treat yourself to a bag of Barista-approved coffee that tastes great however you make it in your kitchen.

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The Kids are on hols, so we are heading for the hills!

We're taking a brief break

From Wednesday 26th Feb
Until Friday 6th March 2025

Please note orders during this time wont be processed until Friday 6th March when the shop reopens.

Sorry, we'll be back real soon!

For more Short and Curly's updates follow us on Instagram @shortandcurlyscoffee

Wholesale orders andsubscriptions will be unnaffected